Saturday, May 27, 2017

Last 100 Kilometers

We left Sarria this morning in a parade of pilgrims. Since this city is the starting point for many people who don't have enough time to do the whole route but want to qualify for the official document of completion called the compostela, The Way has become very busy.

Just 100 kilometers left and we will walk every step. There will be no 7km taxi ride at the end of a rainy day (like yesterday when we were soaked to the skin and just couldn't take another step). We will have to draw on whatever inner strength we have and walk on. 

The city as it looked in the morning. Sarria has Celtic origins and was a major center for early pilgrims. The old quarter is very attractive and climbs up a narrow street with narrow side roads with lots of good places to eat. The "new" city (or what we saw of it) is not as attractive and very busy with a population of about 13,000.
We went up and down these steps, which lead into Sarria, several times. 

Next city of note: Portomarin on May 28
We didn't spend the night here, just passed through.

Stairs to enter the city!
There were fish jumping in the river Mino, but my camera was too slow to capture a picture!

Looking down the stairs at Emily and Mona!
and climbing up...

A side statue in the church of St. John, but it's kind of blurry. Interesting notes-This church was painstakingly rebuilt from its original site which is now submerged under the waters of the Balesar reservoir! It was originally built as a place of worship and defense! it has four defensive towers and battlements. Also, we have noticed that many of the statues in Spain (and all of the churches have many!) are dressed in fabric clothing and some have wigs. We attended Sunday mass here, ate lunch and then left for another 12.8 km afternoon walk.


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