Monday, June 12, 2017

Random Pictures from The Way

This photo is so sweet. The man is guiding his wife and singing to her as they walk,

There are rocks along the path...but look closely...

There are messages left on and under rocks. 

St. James the Pilgrim in the center of a rotary


An elementary school in Pedrouzo

We saw lots of these once we entered Galicia. We thought maybe people were buried inside because they had such ornate spires or crosses on the roof. Wrong! They are called horreos and are granaries, used mostly for sweet corn.

             Signs with encouraging words were hanging from trees on the way into Las Herrarias.
This is a cruceiro. We saw one in just about every town square in the province of Galicia.

A pretty and peaceful walk along the canal

This is Hal. We had stopped for lunch and were sitting in a little garden at a cafe and he overheard us talking. He asked where we were from. (standard procedure). We told him TX, NH and NH. He thought for a moment and asked if one of us belonged to a Camino forum. Oh my goodness! That's me. I asked if he was Cumbres Trekker (his forum name) and he said yes. I had responded to one of his posts on the forum to tell him that we would be starting the Camino on the same day he was starting. I was very impressed that he remembered us. He said it was the TX, NH, NH that triggered his memory. We posed for a picture and never saw Hall again!

 A statue in our albergue in Burgos
Just keep walking!

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