Wednesday, May 31, 2017

So Weary

Mona and Emily walking past capella Santa Irene, just moments before we reached our sweet albergue called Santa Maria.

This was a difficult day just full of ups and downs-the terrain and our emotions. The walk was not difficult, or shouldn't have been, but it seemed such a struggle right from the beginning.  We walked the first three kilometers to Arzua and saw two buses stop to unload pilgrims. 

We hiked with the bus pilgrims for a short time (Emily's in the pic) but they were noisy! We stopped and let them all pass. Later in the morning we saw their small tour van, at several spots, picking up pilgrims who needed a ride...

Some ups- more eucalyptus trees
and seeing a few familiar faces like Duncan from MT and Lily from Taiwan who took my face in her hands and said it was nice to see an old face! (She meant familiar!) Mona heard a rumor that Prince Harry was doing the camino! We had delicious pineapple mango smoothies at a cafe where we stopped for an afternoon break. We saw a sign for Santiago and we know we will be there on Friday. 

And the rest of the day? I don't know what to say. My SHS/LHS friend, Bob G. said, when he wished me well, that there is no trick to the Camino. It's just one step after another... 
With Love,
The Three Peregrinas


  1. Keep the faith! Bill & Lottie

  2. Almost there! You can do it!

    Many small steps for the Three Peregrinas, some giant steps towards the culmination of a wonderful journey!

  3. You are all so awesome! Almost there! Inhave enjoyed all your posts! God bless you all.

  4. Francine, this is Ben from California. Do you have an idea around what time you'll be in Santiago? I'm leaving for Finisterre tomorrow, it would be great to see you before I leave. I could wait in the plaza that morning.

  5. Hi!! I've so enjoyed your blog and pictures. Enjoy the next few days.
